How to Clean 3D Printer Bed? Guide to Clean it

how to clean 3d printer bed

3D prints getting stuck to the bed after the 3D printing process completed is a common problem! While removal of these prints, it is also important to ensure that your build platform must not be ruined at all. Here are few unusual techniques using which you can clean your 3D printed bed in an effective manner.

While fighting against the sticks to print bed, there are common ways used such as blue painter’s tape, polyamide film or even a straight glass plate. Few people also follow the practice of applying glue which helps in prevention of warping during ABS printing.

6 Ways to Clean 3D Printer Bed

1. Removal of 3D prints using good force

This is the simplest and most unused way to clean your 3D printer bed. All you require doing is just hold the print with utmost care and get it off the platform. If done effectively, this is bound to work!

Holding, twisting and turning around must be fine. However, if this is not working just try and imply more power. But this can work only if the object is not very delicate. With a rubber sledge hammer, you could very slowly pick up the build platform and try hitting objects carefully to the sides.

During this process, your aim must be the more rigid surface as it can help you in effectively moving out the print. It can help getting off that sticky 3D print just using force. Just some smart tactics and you can simply pop that thing off quite easily. Look out for a loop in the object where you can tip your screwdriver or just make a light tap at its handle.

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2. Usage of flat and sharp objects

Smart moves always work! Don’t they? You just have to apply this here. You have to look out for the tools that can easily slide in between the object printed by you and base build platform. There are several tools of this nature that can be used here. Spatulas are a wonderful option as they won’t even harm the surface.

Besides, there are also many such tools available with an online tool market that you can search out for. Few of them are painting knife or palette knife. These are just a few types of blades that can be used. If you are looking out for the sharpest option, a razor blade can also be used. But beware to not hurt yourself!

Drawback of using this technique is that the surface might get affected due to sharpness. Any scratches or wrinkles on the platform might affect your next 3D printing process.

3. Apply temperature difference technique

Unlike above mentioned techniques, it is a more elusive technique that can be quite helpful. Heating is always a smart move to detach any object from the surface. Heated beds are usually not destroyed while moving the 3D printed material from it. If you are concerned about printer damage, try to get a cheap 3D printer that is easily available.

While carrying out this process, remember that as soon as the printing process gets completed; let the printing bed cool down completely. Now when you would remove the print, it can pop out instantly if you are lucky! But remember that the whole process also depends on the material.

Plastic, glass and aluminium all have distinct heating properties. While applying heating as per the material; you can allow it to cool and it would start getting contracted resulting in weakening of bonds. Advantage of this technique can be taken utilizing extreme temperatures.

4. Solvents are a great option

Although this is not the most suitable technique, it can be utilized as the last option to clean a 3D printing bed. Using these solvents, coating of any blue tape can be made inevitable. While doing this, you just start up by applying some isopropyl alcohol at the edges of print. Now let it soak down completely.

It can make the whole cleaning process very easy. If required, you can also remove the entire tape as well. To the glue applied on the platform, warm water can be used for complete cleaning.

5. Flossing method

Can you imagine dental floss used for cleaning 3D printer beds? Yes this is absolutely correct. This can be used for removal of 3D prints that are stuck at the sides and edges. Start with fumbling the edge underneath the print and then slowly move it in a horizontal direction with chopping motion.

Best part about this cleaning technique is that it can efficiently work on all types of build platforms.

6. Purchase a springy build platform

If you have tried all above mentioned methods, this can be the last alternative tried by you. Buy a build plate that is very flexible in nature. Just a little twist and any kind of rigid 3D print can just fall off. This technique uses magnetic force for pulling any kind of heating bed due to which the print comes off easily.

Such flexible build platforms are easily available online in different types of sizes and patterns. You can get it customized in any form.

At the End

All the techniques and methodologies that are mentioned above can be useful for cleaning a 3D printer bed tactfully. You can decide as to which the most ideal alternative is for you. Depending on the type of cheap 3D printer you have and the filament used for the printing process; you can make a call as to which is the right technique.

There are also many online tutorials available that can help you in efficient application of all the above mentioned ways to clean 3D printer bed.

For more details feel free to visit our website right now!

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